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March 2

the quarter's ending so updates may become more sporadic

Karl had a good weekend. Saturday Night Karl went to the Plex Formal accompanying some friends. He had a good time. Ridge Warren slept 7 that night.

Sunday was more of the same, Karl cooking chilied pork chops for dinner with spanish rice. He got a phone call from Veronica, the wrestler, and spoke for a while. He then went and studied at the library.

Yesterday Karl made it to Stats a half hour late and sat through another Intro to WWW where they didn't talk about Google. That night he went with Eric and Ted and Kristen to a Soul Coughing Concert at the Double Door. It was good but loud. There was a little breakdancing as the monday night regulars came out after the concert, but Karl didn't want to flex his skills.

Feb 26

Karl went to Allison for lunch yesterday. It was a definite change of pace from Plex. He actually ate something besides cereal, although he did continue to eat cereal there. Joining him were Dave, Eric and Marci.

After that Karl registered, currently taking a tuesday class and a wednesday class and a project, which means Karl has a 5 day weekend for spring quarter of his senior year.

Karl made some non crunchy rice and BBQ Chicken breasts for dinner, and went to the library instead of Norris as he had planned afterwards. He came home and started working on his web class homework, which requires him to learn Perl and CGI.

Karl has been pressuring friends to go to Addison to watch a movie. He plans on using that theater as his prequel viewing location. If any readers have been there, let Karl know what you think of the place.

Feb 25

Karl passed another part of the swimming training of NROTC. He actually inflated his pants and used them to float in the pool at SPAC. Congratulations to Karl. He did not successfully swim underwater and come up for air amid burning oil. His legs would have caught on fire. But this was done at 6am yesterday morning, after getting 2 hours of sleep.

After that, Karl took another nap and missed Stats but made it to Vogelback for his WWW meeting. After that was another poor lunch at the Plex, with plans made for Allison today and Varsity Blues last night. Both Marci and Veronica made appearances during lunch as well.

Karl, Ted, Eric and Marci saw Varsity Blues at Webster Place Theaters down near Karl's 'hood. Karl now wishes he played football in Texas. Friends think with about 50 more pounds and hands like glue he could possibly be a wide reciever.

Feb 24

Karl got a B+ on that paper he spent so much time on and handed in a week and a weekend late. In other academic news, Karl is supposed to register sometime today. Some planned classes include Intro to Databases and Dramatic Writing II.

Once again, Karl had a crappy lunch at Saga. He was forced to the other side of the plex after they took the food away from the West side. He had this sub with Jalepenos on it or something. Not good according to Karl.

Last night Marci came over and hung out as friends in Karl's room. Last night he and Marci took a purity test, and Karl scored a whopping 76.

He worked on his project for Intro to WWW class, specifically the Corporate Relations pages for the new A&O Productions web page.

Karl's computer is now capable of running at 1280x1024 at 32bits. He also has 64 MB of RAM thanks to clouds and Ted.

Feb 23

Done. Karl finished his paper this afternoon, after having written the paper and finding out he had to redo his case diagrams. But that was finished and his sleep was not. Karl had some pretty poor food yesterday as well. But he finally got an apple fritter from Dunkin Donuts.

His video card came from Diamond today. It didn't take long to install under windows, but he spent a good while working on modelines. They come a lot quicker after having spent the time and energy to figure them out the first time.

Karl spent some time last night with Marci H. As friends.

Feb 22

Karl went and saw Rushmore on Friday. One of his new goals is to someday empty a shot of whiskey into a can of Diet Coke, light a cigarette while smoking one, and hide both on a cart in a hospital. This dream is one of many. Another example is owning a $100,000 car, most likely a Porsche.

Saturday Karl went home and got a new haircut. No longer sporting a part, Karl has moved into the 90's with a Caesar. It looks good. Later that night, Karl showed it off going to the Green Mill to see Monk's Dream perform. Mike Kocour was part of the group, and he's a music professor teaching the jazz class Karl's roommate is taking. After having a Manhattan and a Negroni, Karl finished the night with a beer, but then wanted to continue the night at Hamilton's, but the rest of the crew, consisting of Eric, Schmack, and Dave, didn't. So they made their way back to Ridge Warren to watch pornography and drink beer or cider under the guise of Ted's suggestion for Ridge Warren Guys' night in.

Karl continues to work on his paper Sunday, even going to the library to hopefully finish it up after cooking pasta for dinner. Tomorrow Karl plans to work out again after lunch, and go grocery shopping later in the afternoon.

Feb 19

Karl's been working on his paper for a long time now. He started late last night and has been going, more or less. for the whole time since.

Karl and Dave and Eric went to Dixie Kitchen & Bait shop. They were served by Magda. Karl had a shrimp Po'boy and cup of Gumbo. It was the lunch special.

Karl had to go in the late afternoon to get some whiteout from Osco. He was looking for someone to join him, but went alone and got some Jalepeno Krunchers.

Tonight, Karl might be going to get drunk at a movie, spiking his Pepsi with rum, as usual. It was either that or a surprise birthday party for White/Off White.

Feb 18

The paper still isn't done yet, and Karl cleaned his room last night. He went to Omega's for the first time for dinner last night as well. He was present during the purchase of beer for this weekend's ridge warren guys' night in, and sat in the car and listened as NU Basketball pissed another game away.

Today Karl actually started the paper, but also downloaded the Korn mp3 as well. He might have done that last night, but sources haven't been too observant as of late. Word is Karl is up for the Nobel Peace Prize, but that's only reported by a certain individual, whose track record until now has been flawless.

Tonight Karl ventures south to McCormick Place to see the Chicago Auto Show with Dave Morse, roommate of freshmen year. Karl and Dave have also started working out, monday, wednesday, and friday at SPAC after lunch. Karl is using a workout specified by Maxim Magazine to bulk up his lanky ass frame.

Tomorrow Karl, Dave, and Eric are going to lunch at Dixie Kitchen to be served by a Magda. It's about time. Burgandy and White. Weekend plans are in the air for Karl.

Feb 17

Karl still hasn't done his paper due last friday for his Software Project Management class. He also hasn't recieved his new video card. He had Lab today for NROTC in which they did stations, pushups, crunches to flutter kicks, starbursts, sprinting around the track, at SPAC. He watched Felicity, mainly to see that guy Todd get hit by the bus. He also watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer for the first time since winter break if not longer. He's currently downloading mp3's of current favorite tunes, namely Aerosmith's song from Armageddon and SixPence Nonethericher's song from She's all that, and the new Everlast song.

Feb 15

Karl had a somewhat exciting weekend. Friday he watched a couple old pirate movies. Saturday night started out at Hamilton's, then moved to the Drink with Dave Morse and Veronica Vaquer. The night ended around 4am Sunday morning. It was loud there. That's all there really is to say about that. Veronica stated that it was very much like an English dance club. And Sunday Karl did much of nothing, eating dinner with Matt Robinson at Ridge Warren. Then he listened to loveline, as usual, on Q101.

Feb 12

Karl went to bed relatively early last night, around 1am. He did not go to Stats or WWW this morning, but did show up for lunch with alumni Springer, Bender, and Shaw who was visiting from DC. Karl has a paper due today, but is ready to accept failure, which would be in compliance with his Chicago Tribune horoscope. He has also opted not to go to the West Point Army formal.

Feb 11

Karl has an offer to go to a West Point formal with a friend's sister. Many friends are telling Karl to go ahead, but he has some reservations. Let him know what you think he should do.

Karl had a meeting this morning at 6:30am at NROTC. He borrowed a car to get there. He is also feeling a bit under the weather, possibly coming down with a fever. He stayed pretty much all day yesterday in bed. He did find the strength and energy to play some NCAA football and yell at his halfback yesterday and this morning.

Feb 10

Karl, as usual, skipped Stats this morning, post Midterm. But he did get up in time to get into uniform and out to lunch. After lunch was a ride home to Ridge Warren to do some dishes. Dinner was at Lulu's courtesy of Ted. After that was a planned trip to Unicorn, but that fell through. He came home later that night and worked on the treatment for his 2 hour screenplay class he's taking next quarter. Working title is Season of the Rose. Karl is fighting off a cold, and so drinks plenty of OJ.

Feb 9

Karl went with Eric, his roommate at Ridge Warren to watch some Jazz last night at the Green Dolphin Street on Asbury. It's a nice place, suggested by Karl's parents. There he had a couple Negronis and wrote some things in his binder.

On the way home they stopped at a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins combo place and got a dozen donuts and milkshakes. Karl went for a glazed crueller an apple & spice, and a chocolate glazed, and a chocolate milkshake.

Tonight Karl plans on studying at the Unicorn Cafe after dinner. It's part of a new effort to spend more time outside of Ridge Warren.

Feb 3

Karl finally finished his Intro to WWW Week 3 this morning around 4 am. This was preceeded by a trip to Burger King where Karl scarfed down a Big King Meal the Nack way, with Coke and no ice.

Tuesday saw Karl in uniform, sporting a haircut from Jay's. Noyes Barbershop was booked all day. It was working on that assignment that occupied most of Karl's time yesterday, but he did find time to order a new video card for his computer, and think about upgrading his RAM. He plans on running Enlightenment as a window manager under X in Linux.

Today Karl was having a bad hair day. His cowlick, in the back right side of his head, was sticking up all day, due to the haircut and the wind conditions in Evanston. He also didn't get to read his magazine in Intro to WWW today, because we actually talked in groups about projects. For dinner tonight, when Burgandy and White comes over to share in the meal, Karl is cooking Pasta Carbondanza, or whatever it is that takes a pound of bacon and 3 tbsps. of butter.

Feb 1

Weekend updates: Friday Karl went to Nevin's with Morse and Robinson and was joined by Vaquer later that night. They then proceeded to Clarke's, and then home where karl had a Negroni. Saturday night was more of the same, actually, a little different heading to Norris and then the Plex. Sunday was dinner and the SuperBowl, exciting enough that Karl didn't know who won. He also made numerous trips to the library this weekend, studying.

Tonight Karl went with Morse and Robinson for pizza to celebrate a general birthday for all of them, about a 2 week span or so. Remember, Karl's birthday is this thursday, February 4th. There are some plans afoot to go clubbing that night as well.

Jan 29

Yesterday Karl went home to fix his mom's computer, to put Eudora on it from the NU Little Domain on the Prairie 4.0 CD. After taking the train there and back, returning in the afternoon, he skipped class opting for sleep instead.

He made an Air Force Dinner; noodles, ground beef, celery and assorted vegetables and spices in a tomato based sauce. No corn this time though. After that, he had to go up to NROTC to do some things, to clean up, rumor has it.

This weekend brings a possible Dolphin Show date and the SuperBowl, including WWF's Halftime Heat.

Jan 28

So the assignment for Intro to WWW by Karl isn't up yet. It should be though. The sketched room idea has been scrapped for a "what's in Karl's drawer" theme. Should be good.

Yesterday, Karl skipped his classes for more important things, like sleep. He did make it to lunch, and afterward proceeded to NROTC to go over his evaluation. Around 4pm he did dishes, and then left to usher the basketball game. After the game he went to Lindy 2 swing lessons held by the NUSwingers club. He's so money.

Jan 27

Yesterday Karl spent a lot of money. He did not go and get a haircut at Noyes Barbershop, instead he got a couple more winks. After finally getting up, he made it to lunch in uniform.

Sometime yesterday, Karl went and got outfitted by Navy Tailors for his uniform for when he becomes an Ensign. Dress Blues and Summer Whites, along with a couple Khaki outfits rounded out his future 5 year closet.

Last night was working on an assignment for Intro to WWW, namely a small 4 page or so web site. Karl's wanted to be something about his room, using hand drawings to depict where Karl lives.

Jan 26

Karl got up, and went to sleep in stats. He was awake long enough to find out they were studying the binomial theorem. He then made it to the web class, and wanted to leave early to go to lunch, but stayed with his friends.

After class Karl went to lunch, had nothing of consequence, and then printed out a HOWTO on modelines for an xserver for linux at the library, which he worked on during the afternoon.

He listened to loveline, as always, and watched Adam C. on Letterman. He also did dishes afterwards. Then he proceded to browse the web looking for The girl from Ipanema and information on the Shand Morahan Building.

Jan 24

I apologize for the lack of updates. Things will change soon.

Karl had a pretty good weekend. Friday started out with that lunch date, and then he had homework to do, which he eventually finished up later that night. Then he watched some movies, again with Marci H., specifically Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Blade.

Saturday Karl had some other work to do, went to the basketball game that evening as an usher, and then went to Hamilton's later that evening with friends over the age of 21, and some others. Burgandy and White.

Sunday was pretty uneventful, besides the Royal Rumble at night. He had to go to NROTC to perform some duties, and that was his weekend.

Jan 20

Karl's been pretty busy as of late. Last saturday he went and saw A Simple Plan with Marci H., and also to Taco Bell after NightWatch duty tuesday night.

Tonight he went to another basketball game. There's a chance a certain blonde haired individual might make more eye contact with him tonight.

Friday Karl also has a luncheon date. The regular Saga goers will miss him then.

This weekend brings WWF Royal Rumble to Ridge Warren.

Jan 18

So Karl's all better. A week passes in bed, and health usually returns. Karl had to go to a review meeting thursday morning. He also had to usher the Men's NU Basketball game on Saturday. He cooked Pasta with Bacon for dinner last night. He also reinstalled Linux on his computer the last couple of nights. He didn't go to a party Saturday night, it was a NROTC one.

Jan 12

Karl's ill. He slept all day yesterday after class, threw up into his garbage can, slept some more, but still has to go to NROTC lab. Go Navy. His parents came out this morning to bring some goodies for Karl.

Nevermind, Karl just received the call so he doesn't have to go to lab today. Go Navy.

Jan 11

Karl stayed up late last night, well past 4am doing homework for a quiz in stats and playing freecell while listening to Motley Crue. He made a good dinner last night as well, utilizing the broiler yet again to create a scrumptious meal of chicken breasts and corn.

Karl was chewed out this past weekend for not doing evaluations of his unit for NROTC. He had to go up last night and finish them.

Also this past weekend Karl and friends tried the new Annam Cafe on Clarke, a little vietnamese place that just opened. It was pretty good and Karl had number 42, some marinated beef. He opted not for the 41, the chunk steak to the dismay of the other members in his party. Maybe next time.

Karl has updated his web page.

Jan 10

Karl and Mike are currently working on Insanity Rules, a wrestling computer game written in C++. The seeds of such a game were planted long ago between the two and it is finally seeing fruition. Check back here for release dates and send mail to Karl if you want to be a beta tester for what may be the greatest wrestling game in the world.

Jan 9

Yesterday, Karl competed in the Deering Field Classic Tackle Football game in the snow. He led the Ridge Warren Raging Hormones to a 14 point victory against the Plex Lushes. He had 3 good runs and some amazing tackles.

A friend from home is visiting Karl today, Mike, who may have been mentioned on this site before. I believe they're talking about computer programming.

There is some stated interesting in getting more pictures of Karl up on this web site. Expect some soon.

Yesterday a mysterious woman said hello to Karl after the game. Karl replied with a witty, "I don't have my glasses on, who are you?", to which he was snubbed. Any information as to who this individual is will be rewarded. Send info to

Jan 6

Return of Updates

So Karl had a pretty good break, too short like they always are. He went home, hung out there. He spent New Year's Eve at Navy Pier with the boys from Diversy, where he drank lots of liquer, in poorly made Martinis. For christmas notable gifts were cologne, or eau de toilette, and some good liquer.

Classes look interesting for Karl this quarter, with only 3, a stats class, boring as usual, Software Project Managment, and Intro to WWW. He knows plenty of people in Intro to WWW. He also continues to have lunch at the Plex, West side at noon. There is a liking to the snow, but not to the sub zero temperatures which Karl being a Chicago native should be able to enjoy.

Dec 15

Karl finished up the quarter fairly strongly. He finished everything up by last Thursday. The weekend went by pretty quickly, and yesterday he got a movie, The Shop around the Corner, a good sappy movie with Jimmy Stewart. You've got Mail is the Tom Hanks Meg Ryan remake due this holiday season.

Karl went home this afternoon to get the car to do some food shopping later today. Looks like a Jewel and Sam's Club run. Ridge Warren is running out of base liquers, specifically Gin and Tequila.

Holiday plans for Karl include going to Koehler to visit his grandmother on Christmas.

due to problems with Ridge Warren's internet connection, updates will be sporadic all throughout winter break, from now until January.

Dec 8

due to academic reasons, Nackintouch will not be updated this week

Dec 3

Karl did not do the complete Saga Sit yesterday. The toll of allnighters and ass kicking of the last couple weeks continues to take its toll. But Karl did stay in Saga for about 5 hours yesterday. He joined marathoner Eric and Veroa on the East Plex cafeteria.

Karl has a paper due today and an OS midterm. After that though there's nothing left until finals next week, so there is some talk of going to Nevin's during Happy Hour.

This weekend Karl is going to St. Louis to watch the Big 12 Championship with Adam Grayson and possibly Veronica Vaquer. Knaq is driving down, leaving Friday and returning Sunday. He will be staying with the Iyers, whose famous son Viniak, who appeared on Jeopardy exactly one year and one day ago.

Dec 2

Today is the Big Day. 12 hour Saga Sit. Come one, come all and join in the festivities as Karl attempts to spend all day in the Plex East Side Cafeteria.

In academic news, Karl will be working on a secure shell implementation with some partners in OS for that project. But otherwise, Karl is dor finals.

Dec 1

Karl is hopefully finishing his paper due at 7:30 this morning. After that he has an assignment for OS to be completed during Industrial Psychology. The paper that is due today is for Naval Science Leadership and Ethics course, and Karl's topic is Women, the Navy, and who's on top.

Karl had thought the library was open 24 hours this week, but was disappointed to find out it doesn't start till this weekend. He also would like to partake in the early morning breakfast deal at Norris, but is unsure if it takes place this week or not.

Check the January 1998, February 1998, Summer of 1998, September 1998, October 1998, November 1998 archives.

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