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March 29

Karl has returned from spring break! Oh, you didn't know? He was in sunny Mexico! what an exciting trip he must have had! He claims that he wasn't arrested by the Mexican police, but we know what a kidder Karl is.

Last night, Karl spent the night at his ancestral home in Chicago, dining with friends and family, eschewing the blue-collar delights of Wrestlemania XV at his apartment. No word on what he ate.

 Return tomorrow, gentle reader, for more information on Karl's excursion south of the border.

March 15

Karl cooked dinner last night: Pasta Carbonara with green beans. A very delicious dish, although he over-estimated the amount of pasta necessary for the meal.

March 13

Last night, Karl and some friends walked up to Evanston Theatres to see Wing Commander. Karl hasn't been feeling well lately -- rumors of mononucleosis are flying. He's feeling a bit better today, but under the weather all week. Karl's got manly, rugged scruff around his chiseled chin, as he hasn't shaved in quite a while.

March 10

Karl mucked about with his computer yesterday, installing a second hard drive, and reinstalling Windows.

March 9

Sorry about the lack of updating, folks. Our editors haven't been quite as diligent in their Nack-watching of late. Some might also say that Karl hasn't been as interesting. Or perhaps he's been too interesting.

Yesterday Karl and Ted got takeout from Noodle Dee for dinner. Beer was consumed, and wrestling was watched.

Karl has been enjoying the generosity of the Diamond Multimedia company, as they have shipped him three video cards for every one that he ordered.

March 5

Karl is thinking about getting very, very drunk tonight, perhaps on some good Scotch.

March 4

Karl hasn't been up to much lately. He works a bit on his WWW project, but is unable to since the pages are served off of NT which doesn't have sendmail. He stays up really late. Sleeps through Stats. Comes in late to WWW.

Today Karl and Eric and Dave and Marci ate at Alison. Much better food. Karl did not even have any cereal at lunch. After that he went home and got the car for use tonight. He's going out with Marci for dinner and something.

Some may have noticed a return of bitterness to Karl's life. Sources aren't telling, but something has brought out the Karl we all know and love.

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