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Sept 30

Monday Karl got up late, went to his one class at 3, then came back. He signed up for swing lessons, and has to pick between basic swing or the lindy hop.

Tuesday Karl spent most of the day in class and went to the library to do some homework while waiting for his naval science lab. He was dressed smartly in khakis today. Being a senior, he is also saluted by the underclass NROTC members. It's definetly a sight to be seen. Next week Karl brings out his Winter Blues.

Karl has also been doing his chores at Ridge Warren, sweeping the kitchen and doing dishes the past couple nights.

Sept 27

Karl's sick. Let's keep him in our thoughts, and hope he gets better soon. He still managed to get up this morning to get some Tylenol for his fever, which he has been taking periodically all day. He also had to do an inspection of NROTC, and asked interesting questions of his squad leaders. He has been drinking a lot of orange juice, possibly to the point where oj is running through his veins. For tomorrow, Karl is reading more of the Illiad, or at least trying to.

Last night Karl went to that party with Schmack. He had an interesting if frustrating conversation with a young coed.

Sept 26

Karl watched college football today. Last night he had some pasta for dinner. Tonight he went to a party, which is supposed to be mostly asians, with Matt Robinson. He also might be coming down with a cold.

Sept 25

Thursdays are long days for Karl. He starts them at Naval Science at 7:30 AM in Tech, followed by Industrial Psychology, IE C22, in Annenberg, and finishing up with OS in Frances Searle. Then he had sailing lessons, which were not pleasant due to lack of winds today, and then cooking for the Ridge Warren.

At lunch on the West Side Plex Cafeteria, Karl had chicken nuggets and beef mix over noodles and fries. A lunch mate read Karl's palm after lunch, and he has a healthy health line, and a good love line, and a firm belief line. Also according to the lines on Karl's left palm, he is supposed to father one or two children.

The night brought on some cable, and Karl was lucky enough to catch his favorite scene from Top Secret, the underwater fight scene.

Today Karl has to go to NROTC to post flag duty, and then start reading the Illiad. Good luck to Karl.

Sept 23

First day of classes of the last year of Karl Nack's college experience. Karl got up this morning for an 11 o'clock class that he will drop and had oatmeal, taken with brown sugar and a pat of butter, for breakfast. He had lunch at Allison, which consisted of chicken nuggets and a sandwich. Dinner was eaten at Ridge Warren and that was orange glazed chicken over rice with dinner rolls and a German Apple Torte for dessert. A graduated friend, Vinnie Iyer, came and visited for a bit.

In his only other class today, B40 CLAS, Karl was surprised to learn the project topic is open, with nothing set. Tomorrow is a full day, starting with a 7:30 class. He also has sailing lessons and is supposed to cook for Ridge Warren. On the menu? Chili.

After dinner, Karl played around a little on the computer, worked a bit on a new web project, and then went over to a roommate's girlfriend's apartment to watch the new Soul Coughing video. Then they came back, Karl watched a Dawson's Creek rerun, and worked on the apartment. He went to bed early but did his chore of sweeping the kitchen.

Sept 22

Sorry for the lack of updates, the staff of NackInTouch went away this weekend.

On saturday Karl went sailing with Jessica Jenkins. On sunday Karl tried to get his ethernet working correctly in linux, and while working was invited by neighbors to a party.

On monday Karl had an NROTC meeting and only had a bowl of cereal for lunch at 1 PM. That night he had pork chops and rice with mixed vegetables cooked by Ted Whalen for dinner.

Tuesday brought on time spent on a new wrestling game emulator. His favorite wrestler? Either Undertaker or Utiki Dragon. He does cool shit off the top rope. Last night Karl also cleaned his room, which was extremely necessary. For dinner he had pot roast over rice cooked by Mrs. Abando.

Today Karl had lunch at Allison and had black-eyed bean jambalya and macaroni and cheese and a salad with pepsi and orange juice with hot chocolate for dessert. Tonight brings dinner by Karl after his sailing lessons.

Also on sunday, Karl and Ted went grocery shopping. On Monday Karl was invited to go sailing with Michelle, that classmate from sailing class.

Sept 18

Wednesday Night Karl and friends went to Carmen's to belatedly celebrate the completion of Ridge Warren. There he had a Deep Dish Carmen's special with Pepperoni. He also shared a pitcher of Lienenkugel's with a friend.

Yesterday Karl's sailing lesson went well, and he's starting to develop blisters on his hands from the ropes and from carrying the boats around. Wednesday as well Karl went sailing twice with two different classmates. One had asked him over the phone, the other was just there at the right time when Karl finished with the first.

Also Wednesday night Karl watched the Cubs game with Schmack at Barnett's where he had a cider and a Tom Collins, even with the correct garnish of a lime wheel and a maraschino cherry. It is understood that the bartender not only knows her drinks, but is pleasing to the eye as well.

Thursday Karl had lunch at Plex again, but this time apparently succeeding in having a good meal consisting of chicken nuggets and a warm ham and chedder cheese sandwich with a good drink. After lunch he saw friends Graber and Grayson playing wiffle ball in the wiffle ball court next to Plex.

Last night was dinner with Schmack at Dixies, that cajun place next to Le Peep. After that was a night filled with linux, as Karl finally got around to recompiling his kernel.

Sept 16

Yesterday Karl did not have sailing lessons due to inclement weather. They did have a little classroom work however. The beautiful weather today did not stop Karl from going out, with the same classmate that went with before. Let's hope they had a good time and Karl did not send them into the drink.

Monday night Karl did get to see the premiere of Ally McBeal, his movie going partner had taped it. And Next Stop Wonderland was a good movie, in his opinion, especially because of an independent approach to filming and a not too preditable plot. The season premiere of Ally included the court case of an older woman sleeping wiht a 16 year old. Karl liked those situations, but then again who wouldn't? Just doing something you really aren't supposed to do.

Last night Karl accompanied a friendly couple to Nevin's for some drinks. He had a couple ciders while discussing possibilities for his 2 hour screen play. They apparently start kicking people out 10 minutes before 1 AM according to Karl.

Also the past two days have seen the return of Karl Nack to Northwestern campus for lunch. Yesterday he ate at Alison and today was lunch at Foster-Walker complex. It wasn't a very good meal. Today was too creamy macaroni and cheese, stale cocoa crispies, a crunchy peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich on wheat, and multiple failed drinks. Better luck tomorrow Karl.

Sept 14

Yesterday Karl went sailing with a classmate, presumeably to practice sailing techniques from class. There was also some expressed interest by another member of the opposite sex, not in a romantic cruise for two but rather a nice day sailing. Karl is completely capable of going on a plutonic sail, it's up to the woman to stay in control of herself while on a boat with Karl alone.

Also last night Karl went to Liquid in hopes of seeing the Gap Dancers but it was only a $12 cover and a pretty good band in attendence. Among the various guests were some extremely tall attractive women dancing.

Today Karl did some work on Ridge Warren, scraping more paint off moldings. His off time today was limited by the lack on internet connectivity for the afternoon due to technical difficulties.

Tonight is movie night for Karl, even though it is Ally McBeal season premiere tonight. He's going to see Next Stop Wonderland, a romantic comedy. He's looking forward to getting some real food, movie theater popcorn.

Sept 11

Yesterday was a pretty productive day for Karl. Aside from waking up with less than half the day to spare, he did not waste it. After watching his roommates play Monkey Island 2, Karl went to his sailing lessons, which weren't cancelled. There he sailed. At the end he tore what was left of his ankle, specifically a blister formed from cheap shoes, clean off while exiting the ship. He also went running sometime yesterday. Later that night her recieved an email from a certain person of the female persuasion. After careful examination, one word emerges from the sea of elipses, sweet.

Today Karl got up and went to the NU Undergraduate housing office to get a five meal a week board contract. After which he accompanied a roommate who had a similar deal to Alison for lunch. The first thing on his tray? A bowl of Fruit Loops. After lunch they proceeded to visit friends currently residing in the Plex, Adam Grayson and Chistopher Petersen. Also seen on the premises was one Matt Robinson. After the use of the facilities, Karl went north to check his old haunt, the NROTC building. Returning to Ridge Warren Karl finished up Monkey Island 2 and is currently gearing up for Monkey Island 3, the Curse of Monkey Island.

Tomorrow brings another home football game. Let's hope this time Karl remembers to put on suntan lotion as his face has not yet recovered from the last game's sunburn.

Sept 10

Sorry for the lack of posts. Karl hasn't really done anything of note lately.

Tuesday Karl worked on the apartment, scraping loose paint from the walls and molding in the hallway. His sailing lesson was cancelled, most probably because of waterspouts spotted on the lake. Karl cooked dinner for Ridge Warren; meatloaf with frozen mixed vegetables. Participants liked Karl's meatloaf. He had a before dinner cocktail of a Pegu, and then a Tom Collins afterward. After dinner Karl and a roommate went to Evanston's 1st Liquors and came back with Dry Vermouth, Beefeater Gin, and candy bars. He ended the night playing Monkey Island 2.

Wednesday Karl worked on the apartment, scraping loose paint from the walls and molding in the hallway. He called the Student Admissions Council in regard to giving tours during New Student Week. Apparently, the multiple phone calls and emails weren't enough to "elicit a fucking response". So, no tours for Karl. Karl also placed a phone call, and got a phone call back from a high school friend who is on a list of people Karl wishes to stay in contact with. Karl also went running, all the way to Bahai Temple. He had another Tom Collins before dinner. He ended the night playing Monkey Island 2

Today, if the weather permits, Karl has sailing lessons, again from 4:30 to 7. He's also planning on running, possibly in the morning. This weekend brings a Wildcat home Football game against Duke.

Sept 8

Not much new to report on Labor Day. Karl did nothing of any note that Nackintouch can dig up.

Sept 5

Last night Karl went to Super Just Games with a couple of his roommates. Among the games he played were House of the Dead and Area 51 along with classics like Ms. PacMac. His favorite, Robotron 2084, is no longer available at Super Just. He did manage to beat his buddies in Street Fighter Alpha playing as Rose. The three of them also managed to beat a Dungeons and Dragons game.

Also yesterday Karl brought back a nightstand, new, that matches the dresser in his room. He also brought back a stool to get to the top shelf in his closet, which his 6'2" frame can't seem to reach. He also brought his television back into his room.

Today Karl went to the NU-UNLV football game at Ryan Field. NU won, 41-7. Karl managed to get sunburn while watching the Wildcats play their home opener. He had a hot dog there.

College football took up his entire day today, watching many games, and currently watching the OSU - West Virginia. Looks like OSU is going to win.

Tomorrow brings brunch with a roommates family and maybe some grocery shopping.

Sept 4

Yesterday Karl went looking for shoes at the Payless somewhere on Dodge. Specifically, he is in need of cheap shoes for his sailing lessons. Unable to find shoes, principally because he never found the Payless, Karl went to Sailing lessons undaunted. On task yesterday: capsizing practice. According to the instructors, who gave out special identification cards, those who know how to rig and right a capsized boat are allowed to take a sailing vessel onto the high seas of Lake Michigan. Let us know if you are interested in joining Nack on an 'Adventure on the High Seas'. Future plans could include a romantic tactic for use by Nack: a romantic day out sailing.

Dinner last night was Burger King. No drinks were drunk. Karl played some more Monkey Island 2. Late last night he was working on solving a Rubick's Cube. He also may have updated his writings on his web page.

Today Karl is going home and bringing back a car hopefully. He and the other members of Ridge Warren need to go grocery shopping and play some videogames at Super Just Games. There was some speculation that some work would be put in on the front room tonight.

Sept 3

Karl's current writing was updated last night. It would appear his forum will be mostly poetry, and some damn good poetry nonetheless.

Last night was dinner and drinks at Ridge Warren for Karl and gang. Inside sources claim Karl imbibed a lot of alcohol last night and remained perfectly at ease. Drinks had

  • 1 Red Dog
  • 1 Journalist Cocktail
  • 1 Margarita
  • 1 Party Punch
  • 1 Bacardi Cocktail
  • 1 shot of Vodka
  • 1 Gimlet
  • 1 Tamarind and Rum
  • 2 Kahlua and Milk
  • 1 Scotch on the Rocks
Although that may seem like a lot, it was on par for the night with the other members of Karl's circle. In the middle of the night, while stories were being told, Karl had one of his own that was told in confidentiality. It was sweet.

Today, Karl got his haircut at Jay's Barbershop right off Davis in E-town. It was his first time there, and he was in awe of Jay's Barbering skills. On his way back, he bought some cereal and some orange juice. Bronx cocktails tonight? Maybe Satan's Whiskers?

Sailing lessons again tonight at 4:30 to about 7. Last time he learned how to rig and unrig the boat. Wonder what he'll learn this time.

Sept 2

After learning how to rig a sailboat at sailing lessons, which were from 4:30 pm to 7 pm, Karl came home to Ridge Warren and made dinner. What did he make? Chicken Strips, with some Parsley rice and some tomato based sauce. He did fairly well, although he had some help from the subletter.

After cooking and eating, Karl joined said subletter and a certain Dolly Madison (names changed to protect the innocent) out swing dancing at Liquid. He dressed nicely in khakis and a nice striped dress shirt. He enjoyed himself although one time found himself dancing poorly with a woman who knew what she was doing.

Karl, wondering what he did yesterday, decided to check this page to find out what the public knew about him. Also, Karl's Home Page was updated yesterday. It's a poem this time, interesting, funny, yet disturbing.

Sept 1

Dinner last night went well for the residents of Ridge Warren. Karl and gang ate at Sherman Restaurant, where a pleasant waitress, currently subletting a room at Ridge Warren, served them. Karl was a little difficult in ordering a bowl of soup, vegetable, and a BLT, on toasted wheat. He also ordered a chocolate milkshake with dinner.

After dinner Karl and Eric went to Barnes & Noble, Karl looking for cookbooks, and Eric looking at magazines. Karl eventually found a good cookbook, with not only recipies but great flavor text including histories or dishes. Those at Ridge Warren expect good things when Karl's cooking. He also read Pyschology Today on what faces tell you, like facial body language. Also perused by Karl was Esquire, which may find itself subscribed to by Ridge Warren.

Karl also helped to move the remaining items of two roommates into Ridge Warren both before and after dinner. It also appears Karl has caught the Tekken 3 bug, playing and learning the many moves and stances of Lei Wulong. Welcome to the fold. The night finished off with more NCAA football and possibly some updating to the web page, which didn't happen.

Today, Karl has sailing lessons at 7, which should be interesting as he also has to cook dinner tonight.

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